How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

5 so far today , waiting on one of the barred rocks .
Got this honker today from none other than "Trouble Maker" , 90 grams !

90 g egg.jpg

Edit : ended up with 6 for the day
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I suspect my grandkids missed an egg or two yesterday.... my count for today was 70 eggs.... I only have 65 layers šŸ§
Well you know how those girls are about laying in places where you don't want them to and aren't likely to look.

13 again today, sold 5 dozen. I'm still on the wrong side of that with the girls laying a dozen plus every day.
5 out of 8 for me today got my second in 4 days from my youngest hen. Still trying to figure out what color her eggs are going to be, do they generally tint more. ( these are the first two sheā€™s laid with one from a leghorn for comparison. Also still trying to figure out what kind of hen she is. I was told she was a RIR. But she doesnā€™t like one to me at least not a pure one.
5 out of 8 for me today got my second in 4 days from my youngest hen. Still trying to figure out what color her eggs are going to be, do they generally tint more. ( these are the first two sheā€™s laid with one from a leghorn for comparison. Also still trying to figure out what kind of hen she is. I was told she was a RIR. But she doesnā€™t like one to me at least not a pure one. View attachment 2104887
Could be a New Hampshire or Production Red. Post a pic of her. Someone will know for sure.

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