How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

People sell broody hens?!?! I’d buy one any day. They are cheaper than an incubator, and better, and cuter too.
People sell broody hens?!?! I’d buy one any day. They are cheaper than an incubator, and better, and cuter too.
$40 and looks like she's already been sold. I was tempted but a laying hen at the feed store is $15.
I have been going back and forth on getting one.
I'd like some daily eggs :D

Got our FIRST EGG! My little flock came home on Good Friday, April 10th. Supposedly new hatch, if so then they're about 16-17 wks. Miss Vickie, though, was already flying so she had to have been at least 2-3 weeks older, the one responsible for this little gem. And I do mean little haha!! Can't wait for more!
What breeds? At 12 weeks they're laying?
Got one egg yesterday but miss vickie doesn't count cause I'm sure she was older from day one. My others are 16+ weeks and nothing. 2 silkies a French BCM, Blue LRW.
No the pullets aren’t laying. I have 3 hens of laying age only 2 of which are laying. The third, Blondie has been leisurely molting all summer like she did last year. She's a bit of a slacker!
The pullets are Isa Browns or Novogen Browns, not sure which.

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