How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Four, plus a fairy egg I found in the run. It was very dirty, might have been buried for a while.
Got 5 eggs today, and now the girls are relaxing in the sunshine, taking dirt baths, sunbathing and preening.

Edited to add:

Oh oh, found one more, so 6 eggs today.
I find so much joy in hanging out with the ladies, watching them relaxing, but especially watching them in the “dirt spa”. It’s so humorous watching the roll around, and then get up and shake. It’s a big cloud of dust. Must make them feel so good, they run to the spot when I leave them out of their run. Thanks for sharing!
I find so much joy in hanging out with the ladies, watching them relaxing, but especially watching them in the “dirt spa”. It’s so humorous watching the roll around, and then get up and shake. It’s a big cloud of dust. Must make them feel so good, they run to the spot when I leave them out of their run. Thanks for sharing!
Last night when I got home from work I turned the gang loose and the made for the barn dirt (mud) next to the barn west side wall. They did a great job of tearing and tilling that dirt for me 😊

Got an even dozen found on the straw stack (bad girls) to go with the 6 in the nest boxes (good girls!).


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