How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Yep. I have eggs on my kitchen countertop that are well over a week old. I plan to hard boil them someday.
I leave mine on the kitchen table, no problems.

I take extra eggs to coworkers who have been supportive of my chicken husbandry. I showed them video of chicks that hatched this week, and they were amazed that the eggs I share would have developed into chicks if we'd put them under heat.

It's truly miraculous.
3 again today, and that’s 19 for the week.

We’ve gotten the same amount every week since we lost our Mei. Each week one chicken lays everyday while the others get one day off. The first week Août was our overachiever, then Juin the next. This week the star chicken was Juillet 😊

I have been faithful in posting my egg numbers here. One to share, and two to have numbers in case my app fails me. I spaced it out yesterday, so 2 day worth. 8 eggs yesterday and 9 today! We also put a cam in the chicken run along with permanently mounting one in the hen house in an attempt at seeing who is laying.

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