how much do you charge for your eggs?

I've been selling mine for $2/dozen for the last 2 1/2 years, but I've been able to drop my price to $1.50/dozen for my friends, now that the coop's paid for. Folks who just drop in still get to pay $2.
What exactly qualifies an egg as "organic" ? Nevermind! I looked it up.

My daughter is selling them for 1$
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We are in Alaska, so we get $4 per dozen. When the economy was better, $5 was common for free range, gmo and soy free eggs.
I am getting $2.50 for 18 and I have many say it is not enough. I know of those local selling for $3 and not getting it. Location location location. Mine were sold at hubby's work and in another town where we hang out at our club. We are in a low income state with alot of cow farmers some have chickens many do not.
We are gong up in January for our farmer market sales.
From $3.75 per dozen to $4 per dozen.

most farms in the area are $5 per dozen but I just can't go there
I finally started moving my eggs in sales a little better now. I was asking $2 a doz. but now I sell them 3 doz @ $1.50 each or $2 each for 1 or 2 doz. seems this work best as they usually will purchase 3 at a time. This still pays for the feed but no extras. I also don't grade the eggs for $1.50, they get all sizes. The ones willing to pay $2 will get all large to jumbo eggs.

It's funny how people are with their money.

I charge 4.50 a dozen to individuals, I get 3.50 a dozen at the local store.

there is a lady I know that gets 6.00 a dozen for them.

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