How much food do you feed 17 chickens in a day?

just looking at the math, if 45 birds eat 11 pounds of food then 3 x 8 pound feeders should be enough for 2 days food.

I would recommend you have 3 feeders for 45 birds yes.
Will a chicken overeat if they self feed?
I may have been under feeding my 40 chickens because I feed 7 qts of pellet feed a day not sure how much that weighs?
but at the end of the day their crops look full
Will a chicken overeat if they self feed?
I may have been under feeding my 40 chickens because I feed 7 qts of pellet feed a day not sure how much that weighs?
but at the end of the day their crops look full
Most chickens won’t overeat. Some meat chickens like Cornish cross will. The best way to tell is to feel their keel bones.
When my chicken had an impacted crop I knew something was up because she kept making a really weird motion with her neck. I would call it an Axel Rose snake dance movement! Lol- she wobbled her neck strangely and looked like she was trying to throw up but nothing would come. I tried massaging like I read, I tried giving her olive oil. Nope. Well in the end I read lots, and watched a few videos. I gathered my supplies, set up my table and proceeded to pull out a TON of nesting materials I guess she had decided to eat. I cleaned her up. Kept her inside in her old brooder. Kept my eye on her with a bland, soft diet for a few days, until I saw her tolerate her moistened crumble for a few days making sure her crop incision was healing (I used veterinary glue), and her crop was empty in the morning. I returned her to her flock right before bed time so she went back to her normal routine. You can believe I removed ALL the straw like nesting pads I was using and replaced them all with plastic liners. She is back to her normal old self and it’s been a few months ago.
As far as feed, my chickens are a bit spoiled. I cook for them everyday. I feed my chickens a mix of scraps, fresh spinach everyday. cooked beans, cooked oats. Sometimes I add cottage cheese or plain yogurt. During the summer I add all kinds of melons and seasonal fruits and vegetables. I get them black soldier fly grubs for treats. They always have access to layer crumb, grit, and oyster shell. They of course have fresh water with apple cider vinegar with mother everyday.
Warning, please. be careful ,,,they could also be getting impacted crops. esp if they don't pick off the grass and weed TOPS themselves. and don't have access to grit and or natural small stones themselves.

One hen, I observed years ago got an impacted crop when she was in chicken "hospital in the owner's house" for quite a while,,,, Was in "chicken hospital,.....That owner gave fresh. just mowed"pieces, bigger grass clipping and pulled up whole weeds. It didn't occur to that person that the hen gorged herself, because the hen, had not been outside herself, for quite a while. The flock were all used to" semi free ranging". not cooped Up or coop "run" UP.ED
Now if a person observes a chicken, the. ( little precious darlings),,,,pick or peck small pieces of weeds and grass themselves, the tops actually
. Because that grass and weeds are still in the ground.... Not whole longer pieces or strands in a pile or piles .... That is my personal observation
that is my two cents worth of suggestions... Cause bagged feed is so BLAH. and not natural... Chickens need real stuff too,
Good luck and Bless you for caring for some of Gods precious creations
Warning, please. be careful ,,,they could also be getting impacted crops. esp if they don't pick off the grass and weed TOPS themselves. and don't have access to grit and or natural small stones themselves.

One hen, I observed years ago got an impacted crop when she was in chicken "hospital in the owner's house" for quite a while,,,, Was in "chicken hospital,.....That owner gave fresh. just mowed"pieces, bigger grass clipping and pulled up whole weeds. It didn't occur to that person that the hen gorged herself, because the hen, had not been outside herself, for quite a while. The flock were all used to" semi free ranging". not cooped Up or coop "run" UP.ED
Now if a person observes a chicken, the. ( little precious darlings),,,,pick or peck small pieces of weeds and grass themselves, the tops actually
. Because that grass and weeds are still in the ground.... Not whole longer pieces or strands in a pile or piles .... That is my personal observation
that is my two cents worth of suggestions... Cause bagged feed is so BLAH. and not natural... Chickens need real stuff too,
Good luck and Bless you for caring for some of Gods precious creations

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