How much room...

4H kids and mom

Cooped Up
12 Years
Mar 10, 2007
Southern Wisconsin
do you really need to raise Cornish Cross to butcher size? This is our first time raising them, so I'm not sure on the amount of room they really need.

I currently have 16 of them in a 2.5' x 5' brooder (they are a week old today) and intend to give them access to the entire 5' x 5' of the brooder in about 3-4 weeks when the pullet chicks we are also raising can go into the coop with the older chicks.

I was planning to send half (about 8) of the Cornish to the freezer right around 6 weeks, so I an have some smaller fryers, and let the other half finish out at 8-10 weeks for a bigger roaster.

How long can all 16 fit in the 5' x 5' space? How long can 8 of them stay in the same space? Will I be able to keep to my plans? Or will I need to extend the pen, or butcher them all early?
I'm new to broilers as well, I have 14 that are a week old(had 15 but 1 died on day 2). From what I've read 5X5 will be fine as they don't really travel that much anyway. Of course more frequent cleaning is in order with a small space. Especially given the fact you are dispatching 8 after 6 weeks. From 6-9? weeks each bird will have over 3 sq ft per bird. That is plenty....

I am planning 4X4 for my 14 and as they get bigger move a couple to some cages(yes bad owner wire cage but that is what I have) to give the others more room. Cage birds will be first to go in my case...

People weren't kidding about the poop. Yours pooping like crazy? Mine sure are.

I got mine last tuesday and starting restricting feed yesterday. You doing that yet?
No not yet. If the feeder goes empty they panic! Then they eat like they're starving when I fill it! lol When should I start restricting feed? Now? How do you do it?

Yea, they poop like nothin I'd ever seen.
Just put them on straw yesterday, which makes it a little easier (the poo kinda falls through to the bottom) and they are less

I'm glad that soace will be big enough, because I wasnt really sure how I'd make it bigger! I just built this brooder/breeder pen last week, and it was a pain in and of itself, but to take it all apart and make it bigger....I just dont think I have to patience! lol
I'm not nearly as handy as my DH.
I give them a full tray of feed int he morning and pull it up at night. 12 hours on 12 hours off. That is per Welp Hatchery

Hoover Hatchery says do not keep food in front of them at all times, but feed 2 or 3 times a day(I do not have time for this approach).

Not where I got mine from though. Some other reading said 3 weeks or 10 days, I did 6 days after I got them. If they eat too much they will die on you.

here are some other tid bits I found on the internet:
4H...I have 9 cornishx....and they are in a 5x5 pen. During the day, I let them out to scoot around some. They are not really likeing the sunshine, as its too warm for them now. They have a fan on them to help keep the stress down. In the evening, they go back into the 5x5 pen, and sleep just fine in there. Good luck with yours. Mine are 7 weeks old, and weigh about 8 pounds..ready for butcher!
justus...did you do the restricted feed too? Mine are already eating alot at barely 1 week old. I am thinking the 12 on/12 off would work well for me and coinside with when I go out to check them anyway.
I guess I did restrict feed....but not intentionally. In the morning, say around 7 or 8 am, I give them between 6 and 8 cups of feed...they act like they are starving. Then in the evening...say around 7 is, I give them more feed, same amount. Sometimes they eat it all...right away, sometimes they dont.
Here they are today...just over 7 weeks.

holy crud they're HUGE! lol
Well, I think I'll give them another week of free access to feed and then restrict them a little. I think I'll feed them in the morn, and then before bed. I dont want them to grow too fast, but then again, I do.
The pen they are in for the evening is 4 x 4. This is only thier bedtime pen. Dureing the day they are in the big coop, so they can walk...errr. scoot around. They do get up, and walk a bit more now that they are getting out....a few have even ventured outside.for a BRIEF moment.

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