How Often Should A Duckling Eat?


8 Years
Jun 9, 2011
Alberta, Canada
Hi my duck's eggs just hatched saturday, but sadly we did not know to seperate the drake so only two hatched, but then we found that the drake actually killed one of the ducklings, so we took the other one away and he is now with us in the house.

We now want to make sure that we take very good care of him, so we were wondering how often he should eat and maybe how much? Thanks.

He's the cutest thing ever! He's cross with Welsh Harlequin and Buff Orpington!
He should have food available constantly for the first several weeks. He will eat as often as he needs to, which is quite often. Also, absolutely must always 100% of the time always always always have water. But you probably already knew that. You have heat for him too, yes? Good luck! Sorry about your losses, but it comes with the territory. Learn the lesson and move on. Hope the little guy thrives for you!
P.S. If this is your first time brooding ducklings, please take some time and read up on what they need. Of course, Holderread's book is always a good choice, but there are plenty of free articles on-line as well that will give you the basics. Not to toot my own horn, but there is some basic info in an article I wrote for Grit here: However, that piece was written primarily for folks with experience raising chicks and may not give you everything you need. A quick google should fill out the details, and of course ask questions here as needed. Good luck!

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