How old are your parents? grandparents? great greatparents?

All dead.
Mom is 66. Dad is 68. The grandparents are all gone but my great uncle (grandma's little brother) is still kicking...on the internet....forwarding bad jokes...LOL

Hubby's parents are pushing 80.
My Dad is 87. My paternal grandmother passed away @ 95, paternal grandfather in his 40s (in the line of duty, he was a law enforcement officer).
My Mom passed away at 63. Both of her parents passed away when I was young; before I was in my teens.
parents- 40s (almost 50s for dad). grandparents- 58-67. Great grandmother which died a few months back (Beginning of the year) was 97 almost 98..
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Lets see.....
I'm 33
My Mom is 48
My Dad is 49
My Maternal Grandma is 83
My Maternal Grandpa just passed away at 85
My Paternal Grandma is 80
My Paternal Grandpa is 82
No Great Grandparents left...
To many aunts and uncles on my moms side to list---she's from a family of 10 sibilings
My dad is an only child.

Between me and my sisters (they are twins--31 years old)
we have 7 children
Mine...are almost 14 and 8
Twin #1....are 8 and 5
Twin #2....are 15, 10, and 7

when my oldest daughter was in school my mom went to grandparents day with her.......She was the YOUNGEST grandparent there...

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