How to be a good BYC citizen

If you think your post could possibly upset someone use smilies to indicate you are being facetious -As it has been said before - people can't see your expression or hear your voice inflections that indicate sarcasm or just playful teasing. Wish we had a ton of new smilies. I think they lighten any mood.
I totally agree, well said.
What is a gloden feather membership?
hi thanks for all the advice sure I will have great fun on the byc forum please can you tell me how to buy chicken items oh and just one last question whats a golden feather ? nyt nyt all chat soon x
And never, ever be ashamed to say, "I'm sorry." I figure if we learn to talk by the age of two, then somewhere along the line somewhere we've all offended someone at some time, usually quite unintentionally.
What is a gloden feather membership?:idunno

whats a golden feather ? nyt nyt all chat soon x

You can buy or win golden feather memberships (or GFMs if you can't be bothered typing that out), and they give you a few special priveleges on the site that regular members don't have. You can choose your own title, turn off adverts, get sneak peaks at what's new on BYC (at least they used to do that when I was a GFM, lol) and other useful things like that.

As to where you can buy chicken items... I don't know, what about a local feedstore? Or ebay? You could do a google search, or always make your own if that's doable :p (There are lots of pages written by other members about how to build waterers, feeders, nest boxes, coops, chicken doorstops if that's your kind of thing, etc.)
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