
May 4, 2019
Long story short, today I came into possession of two muscovy duck eggs. However, I know next to nothing about eggs or chickens/ducks.

Right now I currently have them in a cardboard shoebox nestled on a fleece blanket (they are sitting on the blanket rather than being surrounded by it so they can breathe?). Since I live in Florida and the temperature lately has been warm and humid I have kept them on my back porch. Right now I have a 75w light bulb from a desk lamp situated above the box at a fair distance so that the eggs are at 96-98F.
We plan to turn them 4 times a day at a schedule and keep an eye on their temperature throughout the day/evening.

Does this seem like a good way to care for these eggs? Are there any recommendations or concerns (especially concerning the temperature/lighting?) Again, I don't know anything about eggs but I am extremely invested in making sure they are healthy.
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This is what the setup looks like on our back porch:
You should place them inside the Shoebox and not on top of it and lower the head of the heat lamp to reach the needed temperature.. I am also incubating a single muscovy duck egg now and the egg is now on day 19.... Crossed fingers for yoj and me... Goodluck! Have you candled them yet?
You should place them inside the Shoebox and not on top of it and lower the head of the heat lamp to reach the needed temperature.. I am also incubating a single muscovy duck egg now and the egg is now on day 19.... Crossed fingers for yoj and me... Goodluck! Have you candled them yet?

Thanks for the advice!
As for candling them, I have not yet as they were just lain and I only just started the incubation process yesterday. I figure I would try a week from now and see then :)

I've actually decided to move the setup indoors to make sure the temperature remains stable at 99.5F but now I am worried about maintaining humidity, do you have any recommendations? Right now I have some soaked sponges next to the eggs but I'm not sure if that works...
I gather you are trying to hatch those eggs ?
Your temperature is fine.
instead of having the wet sponges, it might be better to have a humid environment.
4o to 5o % worked for me.
I would bring them inside so as to keep raccoons from eating them..
your set up might work, I just never heard of doing it that way..
they take over 30 days to hatch. I hatched hundreds of them, but I forgot exactly how many days.. It has been years since..

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