How to get my chickens ready for the fair?


Carpe Diem
9 Years
Hi everyone,
I've had my chickens for a year now and would like to put them in the county fair. What kinds of things do I need to do to get them ready for it? Do I need to feed them special feed, use special bedding, a give them a bath ect. I'm entering one White Rock and one Rhode Island Red. The county fair is the first week of August. Any suggestions would be helpful.
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Here are some articles on getting chickens ready for show: -- Notes: This article says to wash 5-7 days before a show, but I've found that washing three days before a show works just as well, if not better. Only blow dry fluffy birds, like Cochins, Silkies, etc., as it can make birds too fluffy and cause feather to dry out too much.

Good luck with showing!
Thank you Wyandottes7,
All those articles were very informative. I didn't know you had to have their blood drawn for them to go to a show that good information to know.

That depends on the state where the show is being held, and the tests that they require. In most western states no testing is required at all; in midwest and eastern states, NPIP or pullorum testing is frequently required. And some states require testing for AI.
Sonoran Silkies,
I'm in northeastern Minnesota, so that means my hens with need blood tests right? I'll have to get a hold of the county fair secretary and see what she says about blood tests. I've been trying to find out information about the fair for about 2 months and one of my dad's coworkers said a few days ago to get in touch with the county fair secretary because she'll have all the information.
Yes, that is a good starting place for asking questions.  If your flock is NPIP, you may not need additional tests.  But ask.

I'm not sure if my flock is NPIP certified. I bought them from my local feed store and I'm pretty sure they got them from either Welk's or Hoover's hatchery. Does that make them certified if they're from either of those hatcherys? I'm not certified myself.

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