How to get the hens to use the roosts

I'm noticing more of the chickens taking to the roosts lately, so will just see if they all eventually 'get' the idea. This is a young flock (5 months). My nest box is a larger 2-seater which may contribute to the night time nest box snuggling. I also have a vent/window behind the roost which I sometimes forget to close at night and that likely has a brisk breeze to it (faces the prevailing wind). I'll get better at that.
I agree with blocking the nest box but if your young pullets prefer sleeping on the coop floor for a while why bother going out and putting them on the roost? I have had chickens for decades and all of them eventually got up on the roost by the time they started laying. As I already mentioned, once one decides to do it they pretty much all follow right along.
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Due to procrastination more than anything, I have really done nothing, and they are gradually starting to use the roosts. Mainly because the nesting box is too small for all of them to fit. I'm particularly happy to find the rooster is not up on the roost, maybe the hens will follow his example. Thanks for the tips and reassurances that chickens will just be chickens.
It's really very easy to teach youngsters to roost on a perch. You place them up there, and keep putting them back when they hop down.

There are two secrets to making this work. One is to do it as it's getting too dark for them to see. They'll want to be settled as it gets dark because they lack confidence and don't want to end up all alone in the dark.

The second is to place them very close together so they're touching. This is why they prefer to puppy-pile in a corner on the floor, for the comfort and reassurance they get from each other. When I first place them on the perch, they're nervous and a bit afraid. I place my hand gently on their backs until they calm down and settle on the perch.

Just last week I moved my six five-week olds into the coop. It took three days and they were hopping up on the perch all by themselves. A week later, they are putting themselves into the coop, as well as navigating the plastic flaps over the pop hole. They're six and a half weeks old.
What are you talking about, "plastic flaps over the pop hole?
The flap is a clear plastic car mat cut to fit the pop hole opening and split down the center to form two flaps. What the chickens most all do is to push their head between the wood frame of the pop hole and the flap to go through. It is just like a doggie door, and it helps keep flies out and heat in in winter.
Thanks. Just curious. I've never heard of a pop hole. My rooster is the only one who will roost. But more of a problem is that my 12 week old silkies will not go in the chicken house at night on their own. They have to be hearded in. I'm leaving them locked up for a few days to see if that will help.
I have 2 coops, one is very closed in and used in winter, the other is much more open and used in summer. The summer one, they all get on the roosts no problem, the winter coop, some make it up on the roosts but most end up on the floor unless I go out and turn the light on, as soon as I do that up they go.
Seems chooks can't see to well in the dark

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