Friend to Ducks

5 Years
Jun 21, 2018
I have been feeding the abandoned domestic ducks at a local public park lake for about 7 1/2 years. About ten days ago, a beautiful young Swedish Duck (probably mix) was abandoned and he has wet feather syndrome of which I am certain. I have tried without success to catch him (I even convinced Animal Control to try to catch and they could not) so I could treat him for Wet Feather. So, I supplemented the Purina duck pellets I usually feed with organic sunflower seeds for the last week. The temperature dropped to 20F last night and is expected to stay this cold for four days. What am I able to do to help this poor young duck? This morning, I mixed cracked corn into Purina duck pellets to increase calories (1:3 ratio). I am feeding them twice a day. QUESTIONS: 1.) Is the corn/purina duck pellet mix the right thing to do during cold snap? 2.) If not, what should I feed during intense cold snap. 3.) What else should I do for him given that I cannot catch him? Please reply to this urgent extant question with many thanks. P.S. I live in Round Rock, TX (Central Texas) if anyone will help me catch him, please let me know. Thank you.
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When we had 3 drakes dumped in our river I would sit a little aways from where I put the feed down mainly 6-way scratch since ducks love it[crack candy] then about a two days before I finally got them I set up a dog x pen at the river and placed the scratch right at the opening and then just kept moving it back until they had waddle all the way inside and I made a dash to close up the opening and got them. Only thing I had going for me you may not is our river isn't very wide and where these drakes were no one lived around it so I pretty much had these things working for me they were hungry and I was being patient with them. AND none tried to intervene. Many think OH I'll just dump these ducks out and they can fend for themselves what a lie, ducks that have had people feeding them since ducklings really don't know how to fend for themselves. And many die. Bless you for caring. Gain his trust it makes it so much easier.
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Thank you for your suggestion and I may try that again. Problem is there are hundreds of wild ducks and coots who live in this lake and they mob the food I bring for twelve abandoned domestic ducks in this lake. The chances that I could get this particular Swedish duck to walk into a trap is minimal under these circumstances but good suggestions as feeding time is chaos. I have managed to catch ducks in past if there are four or five people to help encircle duck but hard to get people to help. Another barrier is this is a public park and children run up and parents do not restrict this so I have to try to catch the duck when the park is not so busy such as early in morning or sometimes during weekdays before school lets out. But if you or anyone is good at catching ducks please reach out because if we encircle the duck and quickly grab him, that may be the best shot and helping. Again thank you so much for your comment.
When we had 3 drakes dumped in our river I would sit a little aways from where I put the feed down mainly 6-way scratch since ducks love it[crack candy] then about a two days before I finally got them I set up a dog x pen at the river and placed the scratch right at the opening and then just kept moving it back until they had waddle all the way inside and I made a dash to close up the opening and got them. Only thing I had going for me you may not is our river isn't very wide and where these drakes were no one lived around it so I pretty much had these things working for me they were hungry and I was being patient with them. AND none tried to intervene. Many think OH I'll just dump these ducks out and they can fend for themselves what a lie, ducks that have had people feeding them since ducklings really don't know how to fend for themselves. And many die. Bless you for caring. Gain his trust it makes it so much easier.
Have you tried asking on the Texas forum? maybe someone from BYC would help.

I live in NC a little far for me to help but I sure would if I was close.
Having enough people and getting there when it is quiet is always the best way.
Please keep us updated.
@Texag87 do you know of anyone that could help?
@Kiki ?
Thank you for your suggestion and I may try that again. Problem is there are hundreds of wild ducks and coots who live in this lake and they mob the food I bring for twelve abandoned domestic ducks in this lake. The chances that I could get this particular Swedish duck to walk into a trap is minimal under these circumstances but good suggestions as feeding time is chaos. I have managed to catch ducks in past if there are four or five people to help encircle duck but hard to get people to help. Another barrier is this is a public park and children run up and parents do not restrict this so I have to try to catch the duck when the park is not so busy such as early in morning or sometimes during weekdays before school lets out. But if you or anyone is good at catching ducks please reach out because if we encircle the duck and quickly grab him, that may be the best shot and helping. Again thank you so much for your comment.
I use a folding dog exercise pen when rescuingcdumped ducks. I can leave the food inside, have it arrange in a U shape with either one person holding each end, or if I am on my own, one end fixed to the ground or a folding chair and me holding the moveable end. When the duck(s) I am rescuing are inside, I quickly close off the pen and clip the two ends together.

I have not experienced the mobbing situation you describe although I have had feral muscovy or two enter and eat. I let them so that the dumped ducks see its safe. I do close off the pen with a myscovy or two and then just pick them up and put the over the side.

Good luck--I hope you can rescue and help this boy. Perhaps animal control would try again with you? I wish you were local to me as all those dumped domestic ducks need rescuing.

My last rescue, Louie Wilson, is doing really well! He has put on weight and becomecreally bossy with the muscovy. I have built a new much larger duck house with my son and two friends' help. So Louie Wilson and my muscovy now have palatial accommodation.

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