How to kill determined Foxes

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5 Years
Apr 17, 2016
Oakdale, CA
What’s the best way to decimate a fox population? My friend lost 20 birds to foxes and there aren't many left. 9 out of 35. I know he needs to secure his coop, I’ll be helping him do that this week, but we need to kill at least some of em. What’s the best way? Cat traps? Shotgun at the den? Duke traps? Please help, he’s gonna not have a flock left by next week.
I would think securing the coop up would be your best course of action, more so than killing the foxes. If the coop isn't secure foxes won't be your only problem. If the chickens have a safe home you won't need to worry about constantly keeping them away, that's my thinking on it. It's like if one of your kids has a candy bar in his or her closet. Suddenly there are ants everywhere. Will a couple go away if you squish them? Yeah, but the problem won't be solved.

Here are some articles you might find useful:
I would think securing the coop up would be your best course of action, more so than killing the foxes. If the coop isn't secure foxes won't be your only problem. If the chickens have a safe home you won't need to worry about constantly keeping them away, that's my thinking on it. It's like if one of your kids has a candy bar in his or her closet. Suddenly there are ants everywhere. Will a couple go away if you squish them? Yeah, but the problem won't be solved.

Here are some articles you might find useful:
Thanks for the links! Ima read those in a minute.
If you use a cat trap, make sure it's covered in branches so they can't see the trap, they're too smart. Use smelly food.
Then if you catch one, humanely dispatch it, probably with a gun.

You could try a duke trap, I've heard tons of good reviews and have a few myself. Never caught a fox, but that doesn't mean you won't. Might as well give it a try.

Could try fireworks/firecrackers at the den, the smell of gunpowder might chase them off, it works for raccoons here. Throw some firecrackers in a sweetcorn patch and you've got a coon free patch. Gun would work the same, hate for you to waste the bullets though.
This is interesting to note, from an article I found:

When fox numbers have reached a certain level, they will regulate their own numbers so shooting a number of foxes will cause a greater number of vixens in the area to have cubs the next spring. An experienced waterfowl keeper whose husband was a keen shooter said they do not shoot foxes in their area because they have learnt they can’t get in to their field after touching the electric fence where they keep their birds so will not keep trying. If you shoot these foxes, more foxes will move into the area.
First thing is certainly get the birds secure. Here they get shot (rifle) but it’s a never ending program. As soon as you get them down more move in to that area so it’s ongoing.
My son & his dad sit out and wait for them either with the lamp or using thermal imaging.

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