How to know legs are healing frim scaly leg mites


5 Years
Jun 5, 2019

Can anyone help me how to tell if the scaly leg mites are all dead and healing is happening? It has only been a month, and I know it takes a while for visual results. I gave her at first nu-stock, then castor oil a few times, then decided to give her 2 doses of ivermectin. I have rubbed castor oil on her once a week since then. Her legs were and still look BAD. When she would bend her legs, it looked, and still does, look like razor blades coming out of her legs.

Tonight, I coated her with castor oil, and although I was gentle, a small piece of her scale came off on my finger. Do you think it is crusted from the damage from the slm, or do you think that is a good sign she is possibly shedding her old damaged scales?

Are there any visual signs I should be looking for to know that they are all gone and this sweet, sweet girl is healing? I can send a picture, but they in no way look any better than the day I brought her home.

Thanks! Sorry for such a long message to get to my point!
She would not stand still for me, but here are 2 pictures. Sorry they are blurry, but she was walking when I was trying to take a picture.

Sorry for all of the poop on the deck, it's all snow now, so they spend all day on my deck and I do clean up the poop twice a day, just haven't gotten to it yet this morning.


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Generally, scales should be flat and smooth looking. Scaly leg mites eat tissue through the leg. You would see mite debris (feces) under the scales. Scales would also be raised, cracked, uneven, broken off etc...
The scales on the legs in the pics look decent even though raised. If it's clean underneath the scales, looking even and smooth, she's good to go.
Use Nu-Stock to coat roosts inside coops to stop the mites from spreading to roosting birds.
Generally, scales should be flat and smooth looking. Scaly leg mites eat tissue through the leg. You would see mite debris (feces) under the scales. Scales would also be raised, cracked, uneven, broken off etc...
The scales on the legs in the pics look decent even though raised. If it's clean underneath the scales, looking even and smooth, she's good to go.
Use Nu-Stock to coat roosts inside coops to stop the mites from spreading to roosting birds.
Thank you.

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