How to make friends with our new turkey?

Sunny Side Up

Count your many blessings...
11 Years
Mar 12, 2008
Loxahatchee, Florida
Tonight my son's wish came true, he was given a young blue slate tom turkey to keep as a pet. It is a young adult bird. What is the best way to make friends with him? What are good & healthy treats he could have?
I can't say it's healthy, but white bread worked for ours. small strips about an inch long. toss it to him at first, then closer to your feet, soon he will literally be eating out of your hand.

good luck

I wasnt real close with our turkey as they were younger, now I am regreting it. Ive tried grapes, apples, blueberries, and black raspberries, nothing seems to really spark there interest. Maybe ill give the bread a shot.
Do you have any Chics or Chicken with them or just the Turkeys.
I know that as soon as the Chickens hear the back screen door shut they come a running and the Turkeys not far behind looking for a treat the Turkeys are more layed back than the Chickens.
Nothing goes to wast at my house if the dogs don't get the left overs the Turkeys and the Chickens do.
There seems to be a computation between the Turkeys and the Chickens to get to the back door they love my cooking LOL at least that's what I think
Our turkey, Squidward, still acts very aloof. He shares a pen with some young cockerel chicks and roams the yard along with the other chickens. He doesn't seem to be much motivated by food treats. We try to bring him something tasty when we visit, he'll eat it if we toss it near him, but acts as if he's the one doing us the favor. I hope that with time he'll warm up to us, and associate us with Good Things.

It was so funny the other night, there are a couple of older cockerels that are put into that pen after dark, and they will sometimes peck at the younger ones when they come in. That night the littlest ones all snuggled up under Squidward's chest for protection, and he let them all stay there.

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