How to sex a chick

Echo and Pans Innangard

In the Brooder
Apr 2, 2024
Malden Washington
Hi all. This is Echo
So as most of you know we are pretty new at this. We had ordered baby chicks and they are now getting big.
I am getting to the point of wondering if they are roosters or hens. But the videos I am watching about the Vent sexing isnt quite answering my questions.

They are showing something about a bubble for a rooster and nothing for female. Can someone on here give me a good picture on what I am looking for when looking for the Rooster. The videos I am watching are either far a way to show or to blurry. When I pause the pause blocks the view. But if anyone can take a picture or give me a picture of what exactly I am looking for would help.

We are going to start doing a log of whos who and whats what here soon.
Any help would be appreciated.
There is one particular chick, Lavender Orpington it is smaller then its brother and sisters. I became very attached because it just looks like the runt of the litter. I am really hoping for it to be a Hen.

Thank you
Only newly hatched chicks can be vent sexed, and should inly be done by an expert. Once they’re days old, they can no longer be vent sexed.
If you post pics of them here there are a lot of folks here that can help, although it may be a little early still. Pics of the face/comb in particular are helpful. What breeds do you have?
I can take a picture of a few I am confused about. Some like the Road Island Reds I have a feeling are Hens. I watched a video about the Tails. So Im guessing that half of them are Female.

we have ten of each
Road Island Red
Lavender Orpington
Sapphire Blue
Barred Rock

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