How to switch to a nipple waterer?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jul 12, 2009
Does anyone have any tips to get year old chickens to drink out of nipple waterers? I tapped the red part and they came over, watched, pecked, and eventually drank out of it. I thought that was it but then it didn't seem like they were going through enough water - way less than a liter for one week for two hens.

If I start my new chicks with a nipple waterer will they teach the older chickens once they are in the big coop?
I don't know the answer to this question, but I saw on another post where it is recommended not to have a separate source of water, or they will often us that one instead of using the nipple waterer...
I would guess...yes..chickens are natural followers...if one does it..then the others think they might be missing out on something!
What you described is exactly how my flock learned and taught each other. At first I also wondered if they were getting enough water through just the nipples, but it is just that they don't waste as much water now. Chickens are curious so once one figures it out you can rest assured that they all will. Hope this helps, Larry
Thanks for the tips everyone.
I will give it another try with my hens and if not I'll just wait until the chicks are grown and moved in.
I just trained my 4 week old chicks how to use them. I couldn't believe it, it took about 3 minutes for all 10 of them to start using it. I left their regular waterer in with them, but the next morning, I noticed that they hadn't been using the nipples so much and their waterer was empty. I removed the old waterer and they didn't hesitate to use the nipples. Aren't they the best thing EVER??? Once the head chick started drinking, the rest followed, so I bet the same will happen with the older ones.

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