How to tell the difference between Black Java, Giant and Australorp chicks


10 Years
Mar 3, 2009
San Martin, CA
I ordered a hatchery surprise pack and received two black chicks. They are growing like weeds and at 14days are almost twice as big as some of the other chicks (cubalayas, polish).

For single comb, black LF this hatchery has Java, Giants and Australorps. Is there any way to tell the difference between the breeds yet? By the way the bottom of the foot is pinkish yellow. Not clearly one way or the other, shanks are slate with light toes. They are also very, very active. At 4 days of age they had to be separated from the rest of the group (along with the Cubalayas) and put in another brooder.
Pictures would really help.
Giants have yellow foot bottoms where as the australorps should have white foot bottoms. The Javas are a single comb breed but they almost look pea-combish...if that makes sense and they could or should have black legs with a hue of yellow. Now ends the extent of my knowledge.
Thanks! The comb is a give-away. I was wondering what was wrong with these guys combs, the back half is very straight, but the front is kind of pea comby! I think they are Black Javas. Now I just need to find out if I have a pair or two roos. They are so obnoxious, I am suspicious about two roos. I can't say how many times I have had to chase them across the room when I open the brooder to add feed or change their water.

Thanks again

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