How to treat Bumblefoot?


May 4, 2022
SE Texas
One of my hens have a case of bumblefoot.

I noticed she was very slightly limping weeks ago, but at the time there wasn't much of a bump nor scab and it didn't interfere with her daily activities so I left her alone and hoped it would fix itself. Unfortunately, it seems to have advanced and its very obvious on her foot, but it still doesn't interfere with her usual activities and she walks/run fine with a very very slight limp.

What should I do? I heard that I should be soaking her with epsom salt. I don't have the mental fortitude to do an incision on her and my hen is hard to handle. I'm not sure if theres any nearby poultry veterinarian nearby either. Should I continue to leave it alone?

Sorry for the blurry image for the bottom of her feet she kept flapping and kicking everywhere.


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