How to wrap an injured back toe?

fat brown hen

Jun 12, 2022
My rooster injured the toenail on his back toe. It is infected and swollen, so I have been giving him daily foot soaks in Neoplex (neomycin sulfate). After the soak I apply bacitracin and wrap with vetwrap, but the wrap won't stay put for more than a few hours. The wrap stays on his ankle, but the injured toe always slips out while he's scratching and running around. I don't think we are going to make any progress unless I can figure out how to keep dirt out of his injury.

Is there some trick to wrapping up a stubby back toe? I'm thinking about sealing the nailbed with superglue while he heals, but not sure that's a good idea.

(I already tried confining him to a crate. He went nuts trying to fight his way out and now his head and face are busted too)
There is a way. Cut a strip of Vetrap one inch wide by eighteen inches long. Begin the wrap at the lower shank (ankle) winding down toward the infected toe. When you get there, wrap the toe carefully, and then come back up the foot and shank where you began. Be sure the end is at the back and press hard to make it stick.

This should foil any attempts to remove the bandage.
There is a way. Cut a strip of Vetrap one inch wide by eighteen inches long. Begin the wrap at the lower shank (ankle) winding down toward the infected toe. When you get there, wrap the toe carefully, and then come back up the foot and shank where you began. Be sure the end is at the back and press hard to make it stick.

This should foil any attempts to remove the bandage.
A-ha, all this time I was starting at the toe and ending at the shank. I will give your method a try, thanks!

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