How warm does it have to be when the out of the incubator


12 Years
Apr 12, 2007
East yorkshire uk
Hi my chicks are due on mon/sun i have got a hampster cage for them to go in once they are out of the bator they will be in the spare room it is going to be quite warm in there but will i need extra heating i was going to get a heat pad from work and put vet bed over it. My last chicks i bought at a week old and they where outside with there mum when i got them. I would rather not use the heat pad if i didint have to as i get paronoid thing will set alight as i do with the bator lol but if i have to i will.
The brooder should be 95 degrees F for the first week, dropped down about 5 degrees per week after that until the brooder temperature matches the surounding temperature. You don't have to buy a heat lamp to provide heat. For small batches of chicks a regular light bulb (60-100 watt) will work. Just put it in a clamp lamp or any other fixture. I think a hamster cage might be a little bit small and possibly drafty. You might want to upgrade to a bigger brrooder, how many chicks do you have? Plastic storage totes/boxes work well and only cost a couple bucks.
Thanx for the info iv got a heat pad today tho dnt think i could go to work leaving a lamp on i would be too paronoid in my book i have says it should be ok. The hampster cage is quite bit well with the size chick it should be ok i have 6 light susex and 3 marrans to hatch together and then guine fowl eggs a week later. I put a bit thick towel over the top back ad sides of the cage and its in a bed room so there should be no drafts the lady i rent land off puts hers straingt outsdide with a heat lamp and they do fine but she does it on a much larger scale. far as the heating pad goes....I would be worried, that they cant get away from the heat....if you are planning on putting it under them. If they get too warm...there is no cool place to go...see what I mean? Now, if you feel you HAVE to use a heating pad...and really just dont trust a light...then put the pad on half of the they an get off of it, if needed. Also....with a thermometer...get the brooder warmed up, and temp stable before the hatch...sat at least 24 hrs before. That way you know that its ready...and wont get too hot while you are away. Good luck with your hatch!! Mine have 6 days to go!
gavbarker if you do use the heating pad whatch them carefully the first day and see how they react. If it doesn't work well its easy enough to switch gears.

The main problem I would have with a heating pad (other than what justusnak said) is that its not really possible to adjust the temp with any accuracy. I know most have a high med. and low setting but a lamp is much easier to get just right. Since the chicks are going to be in a cage maybe if you wire the lamp to the cage securely you won't have to worry about it so much. no way for it to fall off and start a fire.If the room is free of drafts and pretty warm to begin with you won't need to strong of a wattage.

I used this set up and as you can see with the metal hood and the wire underneath it the bulb was never exposed to anything that could catch fire.The red cellophane is rated to 400degrees. and the shavings dont get hot enough to combust. I also had the clamp part twist tied to the wire. I just used a regular 75watt light and changed to a 60 then a 40. Back to a 75 now (They got moved to the garage and a of course as soon as I did that we had a cold snap
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thanx for the info i have 2 days to go so i will try the heat pad tomorow to see what temp it will get to i have vet bed that im going to put over it so it wont get too hot for them then i will change it to shaveings when they gat a little older and i can move them to the farm. Iv put the pad in the cage and it is about the same size i used them at work for the cats as i work in a kennels so i dont think they will get too hot but i was hopring it would keep some heat in with the towel over the cage bit still one clear front if i find my camra tomorow i will post a pic of it to see what you think.

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