How we got started & hooked on Chickens

Great stories!!! We were at the county fair and DD said she wished we could have chickens. That started it! We knew nothing about them or had ever even thought of raising chickens! DH (at that time, DBF) went online to and ordered 16 or 17 peeps. That was about 3 years ago and since then, we've (at one time or another) had at least 3 times that many! We have 4 incubators (including a cabinet-style) and hatch/sell chickens and ducks.

We can't imagine life without our feathered friends and the funniest part is DD has not really had anything to do with them!
I walked into TS and their they where and I was hooked, I had never had chickens before, didn't know anyone with chickens and knew nothing about owning them.... me and the hubby tend to be a tad bit impulsive with our animal purchases. It always works out in the end though!
LOL.. My hubby said no no no to chicks for over a yr. Then I just brought 4 homes, told him they were a B-day gift & I can't give back a gift, that would B a total insult & since it was my co-worker, I had to keep peace. he he he he . I so want more. I am hoping he'll help me pick up the small coop from my co-worker. get it ready for 4 or 6 more in the spring. Or I may just move my4 Frizzles & my EE , or them & the seabright roo. Then I'll room in the bigger coop for the newbees, if it all times out right " mayB " Sadie will B broody & I can put the chicks right under her. Tada

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