Howdy Folks!


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 17, 2014
Springfield, IL
Well, Ideal Poultry just sent me an email, letting me know my chicks have shipped. I might be more excited than the kids. I built a brooder today and am about 80% done with the coop and run out back. This will be our first experience with chickens. I would have had a flock much earlier, but I thought there was a city ordinance prohibiting it. A couple months ago, my neighbor stuck her head over the fence and asked if I would mind if she got some hens. She got me curious, so I called the City zoning and ordinance compliance office. Chickens are A-OK here in Springfield with no restrictions, except the standard noise ordinance. I started coop construction immediately.

Right now, I have 5 Australorps and 5 Buff Orpingtons in a mail truck somewhere, along with whatever random cockerels Ideal packed in with them. All 4 of the kids go nuts for eggs and the wife bakes a lot, so it makes sense. They could use the responsibility of cleaning the coop and gathering eggs. I could use an army of bug hunters in the garden. Also, I'm looking forward to kicking back at the end of the day and just watching those birds do bird stuff.

I've been lurking for a while. You guys have already been a huge help. Thanks for your advice thus far and for that which I'm sure to pick up in the future!
Springfield Pennsylvania? You'll love your chickens, they are fun to watch! You'd be amazed at the personalities they can have as well!
Springfield, IL

My deep, deep love for Yuengling often makes me wish I lived in Springfield, PA
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! Good luck with your new flock, hope they all arrive safely!

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