

7 Years
Jun 8, 2012
Tacoma, WA
I've been lurking for a while but finally decided I needed an account :). I grew up with chickens and ducks but have been a long time without...then my husband decided he also likes the idea of keeping a few chicks in the backyard, so we set up a brooder in our spare room, got some babies, and are just about ready to put them outside. I was really ready a few weeks ago when they learned to escape the brooder and took over the whole room (thank God for cheap carpet protectors!), but we still need to finish building their run. We have 4 easter eggers (sold to us as Americaunas, but after researching on here, I'm sure they're not) and 3 light brahmas, and since we live in city limits the roos are going to need to find new homes. They're all six weeks old now, and I'm fairly certain I've figured out the boys and the girls, but I'll be posting a sexing thread as soon as I can get some clear pics of everyone just to be sure...I'd hate to get rid of anyone I don't have to, they're all sweet babies! Besides our chickens, we have three cats, two ferrets, and a ton of fish, so not quite a zoo yet but we're getting there. This forum has been a great reference these past few months, so I very much appreciate you guys :D
from Alabama. Glad you joined us.
Hello and :welcome

Sounds like you've planned everything out, good luck with building your run, and I hope you have few roosters so you can keep as many as possible! :lol:

Don't hesitate to ask any questions you might have, and enjoy the site. :D

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