Huge Mite problem, need help eliminating them


Apr 30, 2022

Huge mite problem, need advice ASAP​

I just found out today that my chickens have mites.
They have all been acting fine, so I don't believe it has been long.
But mites are all over my rooster and got on me as well.
I found them in the coop too.

How do I treat them? I have a pretty large pet flock and need it to successfully, safely, and preferably cheaply treat them.
Thank you very much for your time
I had a hell of problem with them this past late winter/early spring for the first time in years. I used a powder Poultry Dust product from TSC that has Pyrethrin as the pesticide and it has eradicated them for the most part with a few stragglers remaining in a couple of smaller coops. I just spread it on the litter and the chickens work it down as they scratch and you should also treat the vent areas of affected birds.

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