Huge shell, runny egg


9 Years
Jun 17, 2010
One of my Easter Eggers is laying HUGE eggs. They look like double yokers but bigger. When you crack them, they have a yoke and white, but there is no form to any of the contents, it just runs across the pan like a watery goo.

any ideas?
Some of my thoughts on runny eggs are:
diet might need more protein. (increase protein in diet)
is the chook too hot. (Try and reduce heat factor ie. cool water)
is the chook old. (sometimes happens as they get older)
sometimes chooks have a genetic fault.

That's all I can think of. Hopefully it might be something that could be resolved.

Good luck
Thanks Annbella -

All the girls are just a year old, they eat the same feed, although they are mostly free ranging. They have plenty of shade so I don't think its heat, unless that one chicken stands in the sun alone.

Thanks for trying though.

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