hurt leg week old african


9 Years
Apr 11, 2010
My sons week old gosling Howard got jumped on by the pup(big pup american bully 60 lbs) and now he won't put weight on it. We put him in the bathtub and his leg just floated. I can't find a break there is no swelling he doesn't cry when I feel his leg or bend it. So what's the deal? Any ideas? Will Howard be okay?
Poor Howard
off the top of my head he doesn't sound terribly injured, but it's hard to tell with these guys, they don't show pain or illness until it is almost too late. I would make sure he eats and drinks (always the best sign) and has STRESS FREE environment, low stimulation for a day or so. Don't let him get chilled after his bath. I do think floating and swimming will be good physical therapy though. If his leg is not terribly injured, he may start moving it soon. Give him a few drops of Polyvisol in his water (human baby vitamins) and lots of hi protein starter feed too. Hope the little guy does OK. Your son has learned his lesson about keeping him away from the dog, I'll bet
Howard took another bath and is scratching with his "bad" leg. He'll stand but not walk. And is currently nuzzled between the sofa and my sons neck. I feel pretty bad about the puppy he's terribly jealous(we rescued him from a horrendous abusive home almost 2 months ago) the kids adore him and he gets lots of cuddles and treats still but Howard has stole the limelight for the moment. Also Howard is eating and drinking and pooping always a good sign right?
Howard will probably be fine-water therapy is very good. You might try letting him sit on a towel on a heating pad. Geese can be clumsy, and are always tripping and falling. They get minor sprains frequently, and they just sit and rest. I always panic for no reason.
It might be his hip not his leg that got the brunt of the injury, but if he's moving that leg it prob is just sore.
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Thanks everyone bub is thrilled howard doesn't have to "leave" so hopefully he gets better with water therapy. *UPDATE* So excited! Howard is hopping in grass and paddling with both repeat BOTH feet.
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Oh good
I'm glad Howard is feeling better, and he will be happy with new friends. He will have a happier life with a flock unless you want to diaper him and keep him as a house pet. Purely human imprinted geese are wonderful pets but need constant contact with their human as they have with their flockmates. They feel unsafe and depressed without constant contact. So good for Howard, and for your son, who will have a friendly small flock of geese
Do not tell my kids this can be done! Lol. Almost everyone except the chicks and piglets are house pets. Howard isn't livving alone either. He has Jaq ,an OEG banty same age as Howard but thinks he's mama, and Worm the silkie whose a month old.

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