I am Freaking Out!!!!


My DH would be sitting up with me the whole night. I'm with you snakes, spiders, or anything else I'm fine but rodents.....I have nightmares for weeks.

from someone who understands!

Hey go ahead and call your ex to see what she would say!!!

I walked into the spare room tonight where we have the 10 chicks, just a week old, hanging out in their box. And there perched on the bed next to them, locked into the room, is our calico kitten Casey - aka "killer".

Talk about freaking out. She loves to take out birds and catches them regularly, regardless of them not being restrained. But our chicks were literally captive.

Everyone is fine, but my heart was pounding.
Well, they arn't rodents thay are marsupials, Ok so I can't spell marsupial, does that make me wrong

Anyway, I'm sure your completly relived with that knowlege and are no longer afraid of opposums.... my work here is done, sleep well
To quote Shakespeare, "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet."
Seems to me doesn't matter what ya call it. If it looks like a rodent, moves like a rodent, and smells like a rodent, it must BE a rodent.

Had one of those nasty critters eat 3 adult Silkies. I had to save the fourth one from it. I used the only thing I could find in the barn at the moment. An ax.

Sorry you had to experience that in your house.
WOW< I would be FREAKING!!!!! AHhhhhh ok, now.....think...think....do they really travel alone!?? Ok,....whats that under my covers?? Did I see the curtain move??? WHATS THAT NOISE!???? Ohhhhh no......I would NOT have been able to sleep in there...so glad you caught it! Whew.
JFYI...opposums are not rodents. They are marcupials and the only one in North America. The naked tail doesn't help along with a rat like face, but still doesn't make them a rodent.

A rodent is a rodent if it has rodent teeth like rabbits, squirrels, rats and mice. Opposums have regular predator teeth like a cat.

If you haven't found the rest of the clan, you can put out a dish of cat food...they'll come to it (most likely). You can trap them into a cage or a safe area and have a wildlife rescue take them...especially the babies.

Good luck.

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