I am sooo mad I could spit nails!

And one more thing I forgot to mention. The Sheriff found tracks coming from the neighbor's house onto the property. At first the neighbor denied being there and then he said that he came over to feed the dogs as they were skinny. This infuriated me so I took the sheriff to the garbage can and pulled out three empty bags of dog food and threw them on the ground. And the garbage is picked up once a week.
Bodies of the dogs would prove they were not underfed. If he admitted being there, I would file trespassing charges. I would push the police to push him, sounds like he did it, he just needs to be persuaded to tell the truth! SICK SOB!
What a shame!! Makes me cry. Can you imagine what the dogs "felt" as their turn came . . .I would push this. It sounds funny to me that the footprints on the ground, the obvious condition of the dogs, and the fact he admitted to it and the sheriff says nothing can be done. Baloney. It would make me call every day until something was done. A squeaky hinge gets oiled.
And there is nothing they can do?? Was that reported in the newspaper as well? Denying he was there and then saying he was because puts some suspicion there... lazy cops!!

Take pictures and take him to small claims court at least.
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That is totally unacceptable. I know there is nothing we can say to make it better but... If someone EVER came on my property and had the cowardice to shoot/ harm any of my animals.... well not only would the media and police station get an earful.. thats all I can say. That is just completely horrible. I am so so sorry that this happened. It makes me so FURIOUS! God.... I wish I was near you so I could help. This is just... I cnat even express it in words. For someone to intentionally hurt a friendly, defenseless soul....
My DB had his dog (straffordshire) shot that was tethered in the backyard while he was at work. Not only did they shot him they then hung him over the fence. Some people are just plain evil. Sorry about your SonIL loss
Could you get a sympathetic news person to turn it around a do a story about a phycho killing helpless dogs that were tied up, harmless, well taken care of with no complaints, with the twist, what is next? our children?

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