I am the god of hellfire!!!! Ok... so I want a weed dragon. LOL

Had to google that, never heard of them. I'm interested though, looks like a lot more fun than a weed whacker.
silkiechicken...no experience but I do believe I want to get some. Looksike a fun useful contraption. Let me know the second they introduce "The Maid Dragon" cuz I wants me one of them!
I was looking at:



If I get one... I could light the world on fire!!!!

Not to worry to all those living in dry states. I'm in the PNW and it's rather soggy for me to accidnetly start a wildfire or burn down the house.

Just need to look up the cost of a propane tank and how much it would cost to fill.

A maid dragon would be very interesting contraption! If I find one I'll be sure to let you know!
Oh yes do let me know...I keep a running list of tasks ready for that contraption when I find one. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving silkiechicken
In cali or in summer it is probably a great way to set the country side ablaze. It's harder to do in a thunderstorm or under snow. LOL

Happy thanksgiving to everyone, off to dinner now! We do dinner late. :p
For those worried about fires there is a more expensive version that does not use a flame. This is on my wishlist for the coming growing season (the less expensive fire version at least until I see if it is worth it).
We got my husband one for Fathers Day last year. Here,they are simply called"weed burners". He loves it. We live in Oregon, where it is pretty wet most of the year. He won't use it when the fire danger is high, just in case. I will warn you though, be careful where you burn. My husband was burning some weeds around the front of the driveway, by a little area where I had some plants. A few days later I noticed that my two ornamental blue grasses that were around a day lily were black. Apparently what had happened whas that he had burned some weeds right close to it, and it smoldered overnight and burned my grasses, since they were on the dry side. Luckily, that was all the damage that was done. From now on, I will follow him with the garden hose.
It is incredibly cool though!!!
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