Welcome-I guess I couldn't have expected to have a "monopoly" on my id forever....although it would have been really, really nice to have been a bit more individual and less "common" so's people don't get mixed up. Guess there's only so many chicken themed ids huh?
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Woot! Fight! Fight! Go get 'em!

Only kidding.
I was cracking up, because my wife made a comment a few nights ago. I was walking in from the coop and she says "So, should we call you Chicken Whisperer now?" and now here's you two.
Yeah I was so suprised "Barg" wasnt already taken when I joined... go figure
I have the same problem, mine is bantymum but there is a bantyMOM and I didnt think to check, so im sorry bantymom. In Australia we have mums, in USA you have moms!!!
Anyhow welcome to the "club", have lots of fun!!!
I call my neice the chicken whisperer, cause the chicks love her, she pets them and talks to them and they fall asleep.......
LOL That's what my kids started calling me when I had to show them the most effective way to round up chickens! I can't explain it, it's just all in the technique.

haha.. sorry, couldn't resist!

Anywho! Like your U.N.!

Have a great time here! You'll learn Lots! and everyone is soooo nice! they all rock hardcore... I must say.


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