I COULD JUST SCREAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i love your avartar!!!
If you guys don't have an external hard drive you'd better get one. It saved everything I had about a month ago. My computer decided it was going to poop out on me but thankfully I had just backed up everything the week before. I was so happy I did.
how do you do that??

I don't. Ken does. He is an IT guy and knows how to do all that stuff. I think you put the cd in and then left click start and drag them to the cd, but I am not 100% sure.
Under normal circumstances I can and normally do back-up my files but for some reason this time no such luck. I have a jump/flash drive and I have an external hard drive that I use to back up. Thinking back it started 2 nights ago after my dd used my computer for a school project, she left it on all night. I discovered this the next morning. I tried to shut down normally but it was frozen. 6 tries later it finally shut down.
Used it yesterday morning and all was working fine until shut down. Again it took several more attempts to shut down.
This morning tried to use it to no avail. Called my dad, my computer geek and he told me that he can get all my files for me and warned me of a new virus that is lethal right now it attacks your boot system or something like that. He said that he has several other computers in his shop right now with the same problem.
Just glad that he can get the files out for me.
Thanks everyone !!!
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Those virus problems aren't fun. I'm glad someone will be able to salvage your files. I learned the hard way myself years ago. I usually keep a jump drive laying around at all times and back-up periodically. Last time I checked they come in 32MB that'll store a bunch of stuff.

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