I couldn't find arm extensions ~ decided it was time for glasses

Same here, I went kinda blind in 9th grade. So, I wear glasses all the time, I'm 35. lol couldn't remember that either.. anyway last night I was mad cause I couldn't find my glasses, and asked DH angrily where they were. He looked at me and said," Uh...On your face?" lol he won....
My eye exam is this week. Last week, I pulled out my neglected sewing machine to hem several pair of pants. Felt like I was taking my life in my hands or at least, risking a finger or two. Called for an eye exam after the room quit spinning. The pants look okay - I think - but what do I know? I cannot see.
I am so in between everything. Not ready for bifocals but I have glasses for distance to drive, and reading glasses. My vision used to be 20/950 and 20/975. I had lasik 7 years ago - thank GOD!!!! I would be legally blind by now if not for that procedure.
My BIL had lasik or the equivalent years ago, when it was still new- says it's the best thing he ever did. I am chicken though!
If you're on Medicaid, pray that you develop cataracts. Ain't nuthin like it used to be. Be SURE to say that it bothers your driving at night; you have to have a reason for their giving you the operation.
I was terrified when I went in for the operation three years ago. All it was was sitting there in a chair for less than three minutes looking at a light. I walked out with new, permanent prescription lens implants and 20/20 vision. They did my two eyes one week apart.

BTW, the cataract replacement is a thousand times better than the "lasic" (?) (or whatever it's called) where they take a pie-shaped piece out of your iris (?) (or whatever). You've probably surmised that I don't know what I'm talking about, but anyway...
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Oh gosh don't be afraid. I could see things immediately I never could before. I was warned my eye sight would get worse because of my age, but I did it anyways, and I got almost 7 years of perfect vision. Worth every cent if you ask me. No pain, no uncomfortability, nothing bad about it. Piece of cake!!!! Do it if you can!!!
My dad ended up with glasses at 50.

I've worn glasses since I was 13, and my brother since he was 13.

I hope you had fun with your frames! I sure did...


I have astigmatism in both eyes and my prescription has been getting stronger every year.
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I'm one of those near far sighter's yep you heard right can't see far or near I have some of those el cheap'o reading glasses.
But i need to go and get and exam my far sighted glasses give me a headache when i wear them and i know thats not right.

I will be 50 come January and my sight started going in my early 40's
I started wearing glasses at the age of nine. I got IntraLasik (the all laser lasik) in fall of 2006. Best thing ever! I wasn't nearly as bad as you were, Debi, but still at 20/450 with an astigmatism in both eyes, I had to get in bed before taking my glasses off and put them on before getting out of bed in the morning. The moment that I realized that it was worth every penny was when I could take a shower and actually read the labels on the bottles!
DH just turned 40 and his distance vision is going (he can see up close though....kinda backwards
). He refuses to go get his eyes checked. He can convince himself his eyesight is fine if a doc isn't able to prove him wrong, I guess. Plus, why wear glasses when he can just as me what the sign say.

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