I did it all wrong, but.....


In the Brooder
12 Years
Feb 17, 2007
Well,...I started off in late winter with a 30 G. acquarium (resulting in temp swings from 90-110), two 60w. bulbs, an acquarium pump (for fresh air), an acquarium thermometer, a regular air-conditioning thermostat (went to 80 degrees at most, maybe) and no hygrometer.
At that time, we just happened to be getting about four eggs/day.
So, each day I put one or two eggs into the acquarium, dated. Soon, thanks to all my good buddies here at BYC, I learned of all the specifics that I was doing wrong. I got a good cardboard box, an Accurite thermometer/hygrometer, dishes of water with sponges, marked my "x" & "o", started to turn twice a day, with the large end up a little, and, most importantly, I traded in that AC thermostat for the wafer type from the co-op.
I had given up all hope for this batch, as on one morning in particular, I know the Accurite read 114 degrees!
This was while I was adjusting the wafer. Well....
today was day 21 for the first egg. I did not even attempt to stop turning three days prior or raise humidity even a little bit more. I never heard peeps, never saw a peck on the shell. I had candled, and posted questions here regarding floating yolks, etc. As an aside, I mentioned to the wife that tomorrow was day 21 for some of the first eggs, yet, I had completely given up all hope for this batch.
This morming, I came in to do the egg turn thing. I was sure that this one particular egg had done that exploding egg thing that everyone seems to dread like the plague. However, I noticed how the shell had been opened as if a can opener did the job...perfectly horizontal across what I guess was the air bubble!! Just then I heard the peeping.
Still, I still did not see a chick.
He was under the corrugated containers holding the other eggs.
Apparently, he seems to be as healthy as can be.
I left him in the incubator this morning. Tonight, I have him relocated into a brooder, although, all by himself. So anyway, don't give up on 'em, just give'em their time before discarding them.

Hello all....
Wow! today I got home and presto. Number two!
This one peeled off his lid, but his back feathers are stuck to the shell membrane,
therefore, both feet were still in the bottom half of the shell.
So, I helped him out a little.
I cracked the shell away from his feet and peeled off what I could from his back without pulling any fur.
Now he's walking around peeping like normal, pecking, preening, even stood up & shook his arms a little bit.
Pretty cute. But what do I do about this shell remnant on his back? Is it safe yet to soak him in 100 degree water to soften it and peel it away? Do I leave it on and risk him growing too fast to shed it off? Will the other chick see this as a target and become agressive with him? Any suggestions?

It might help to take an eye dropper and put one drop at a time of warm water under where the shell is stuck. Give it a second or two and kinda work the shell around until it comes off. Just don't use too much water as you don't want to soak/chill the little guy.
Well the shell dried to his back, big time.
I waited a day to be sure he was up and running, tonight I ran water into a soup bowl with an aquarium thermometer getting it up to 100. I took an old toothbrush and put him in the warm water. I used the toothbrush against the lay of his fur. After getting really wet, and brushing at the membrane and shell, I was finally able to get all the stuff off him.
Wow, they are really tiny when they are all wet!
So I dried him as best I could in a quick way and then back into the brooder.
I closed some vents to try to warm the brooder a little more than usual. He seems ok, even pecking around and drinking.
And.... we now have two more pipping!


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