Thanks, They all get along well, And the funny thing is that my smallest bantam pretty high on the pecking order lol.
I have heard that from others too about some bantams. I guess just like people, personalities are packaged in lots of different sizes and shapes! I’ve got Isbars and black copper Marans and a RIR, an australorp, red and golden sex links.
Nothing, Like Legit nothing.
Well I made this other account because I wanted to change my name, Then I found out how after making a thread about it. But now I’m not sure I even want to change my name.
What's your other user name?
Hello everyone, Today is the day I decided to join BYC!, I know this site inside out lol, So I don’t really need help navigating around. But anyway let me tell you about myself.

My chicken journey all started when I was given a chicken from a relative, I raised her from a chick and she was so sweet...Untill she died of some disease when she was a couple months old. After that I didin’t want another chicken, But over time I changed my mind and now I have 11 LOL. (See list down bottom)

I live in New Zealand, Down here we have very minimal predators, No bears, Cougars, Racoons, Foxes etc.
the only predators we have a really just Cats and Dogs, But so far I haven’t lost one to either. We also have Stoats, Possums, Ferrets, And weseals, But these aren’t a problem if you live in city or nowhere near a Forrest. Infact the government is trying to eradicate these pests because they are wiping out our native bird population, Also that reminds me we have harrier hawks, But usually that don’t bother poultry.

Anyway, That’s basically all I have to say about myself, Hopefully I will see you guys around and thank you for reading!

My List of chickens:
- Dorking
- Black Australorp
- Some random bantam mix
- White Orpington
- Splash silkie
- 2 GLW hens
- GLW rooster
- 3 other cross breeds

I am new to the group as well. That is awesome welcome to the flock from Florida, USA.

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