I gave up on the veggie garden. Chickens love the idea.


12 Years
Nov 28, 2007
Abilene, TX
Well here in good ole' west Texas it just isn't going to rain this year, so I decided
I would save my money on watering the garden, and put it into my grass instead.
Since I'm not going to have a traditional garden this year I gave it to the chickens.
I am going to try a square foot garden instead. I cut a hole in the side of their run
I will make a little gate to put there later today, and let them run amuk in the garden
They are in heaven right now eating all the corn, and broccoli, and onions they want.
They don't seem to like the lemon lime mint though.
Here are some pics of happy chickens.



Happy chickens.


don't give up on the garden. the corn looks like it was doing well. being on a well myself i gave up on the type if irrigation you chose a long time ago. try a soaker hose instead. lay it right at the base of the plants. i have mine on timers to water every other day for fifteen minutes. over 800 square feet of garden with great results and no wasted water.

BTW, the chicks look great.
Well the garden is too big for soaker hoses, and that would cost an arm, and a leg for the hoses.
I'm not giving up on a garden I'm just going to go about it a different way. I have really been wanting to get into
square foot gardening. It appears to be a lot more productive, and uses less resources to grow.
I use raised beds. All different sizes. They are very easy to make, and keeps weeds down. ( I hate weeding)

I have pathways between the beds of just straw, and I use water barrels with soaker hoses.

I have always lived in places where I had limited space, or sand as a yard
I have plenty of space now, but I prefer raised beds, and always made it work no matter where I lived.

i see what you mean. i also use alot of containers. they work great for peppers, lettuce, small tomatoes and such and you don't have to deal with rabbits.
I use raised beds. All different sizes. They are very easy to make, and keeps weeds down. ( I hate weeding)

I have pathways between the beds of just straw, and I use water barrels with soaker hoses.

I have always lived in places where I had limited space, or sand as a yard
I have plenty of space now, but I prefer raised beds, and always made it work no matter where I lived.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but you are saying you use soaker hoses just gravity fed from a barrel?
If thats the case I need to try that.
I use raised beds. All different sizes. They are very easy to make, and keeps weeds down. ( I hate weeding)

I have pathways between the beds of just straw, and I use water barrels with soaker hoses.

I have always lived in places where I had limited space, or sand as a yard
I have plenty of space now, but I prefer raised beds, and always made it work no matter where I lived.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but you are saying you use soaker hoses just gravity fed from a barrel?
If thats the case I need to try that.

Best method I have found so far. The garage is the closest building near the raised beds. The gutters feed the barrels.


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