I got engaged this weekend!!


11 Years
Jul 21, 2008
Nor Cal
I just had to share it with everybody I know! My BF proposed to me on our 4 year anniversary (of our first date)... a long time but well worth the wait!
He asked me to help him harvest down at the field, said that the local grocery store had put in an order for arugula and radishes. He asked if I'd start harvesting radishes, so I did. I was harvesting radishes and then I said out loud, "There's a ring on this one" -- sure enough, one of the radishes had an engagement ring around it.
He'd put the ring on the radish three weeks ago, when the plant was still a seedling, so that the radish grew big enough that the ring would stay on when I picked it. (How many people can say that they were proposed to on a radish??)
Now for the really funny part:
I actually *missed* the radish with the ring at first... I was just going along pulling out the biggest radishes... then he said, "Well, we have a lot of radishes, why don't you start at the beginning of the row and pick every one?"
Of course at this point I complained that he was always trying to tell me how to harvest things his way.

But for once, there was a really good reason.
I've been pretty much smiling (and hugging and kissing him) ever since. I can't wait to get married and spend the rest of my life with this guy...

ETA: of course, there was no order from the grocery store... he made the whole thing up just to get me to pick the radishes
And I didn't even remember when the anniversary of our first date was, so it was a complete surprise!!
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I really didn't think it would feel this exciting. We'd already talked a lot about spending our lives together... where we'd like to live, what type of house we'd like to buy, etc... but somehow marriage is just so special. (Like my guy said later, "It's sacred.")
A little while after he proposed, he told me that he woke up that morning and thought "this is the most important day of my life."
I think I cried when he said that... I definitely cried a few times that day... and couldn't fall asleep for hours, I was just too happy
TOTALLY floating on clouds.
any man who will help water and feed 38 chickens... and not complain about 22 eggs in the bator... is a good guy

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