I Got Some Ducks But Don't Know What Breed They Are. Any Help?


8 Years
Jun 9, 2011
Alberta, Canada
Hi I'm new, but anyways, I got a pair of ducks from an auction, but it didn't say what breed. Do you think you could find out?


I looked it up and I think they might be Elizabeth ducks or Abacot Rangers, but I don't know for sure. Any Ideas?

I'm also wondering how old they are. I'm new to ducks so I don't really know a lot about them. Thanks.
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You might have more luck in the "duck" section of these forums as that is where the "duck people" are.

You will love it here, the folks are quite knowledgeable and the forums are VERY addictive.
Unless you are in Europe, I doubt they are either of those breeds. The drake looks like a welsh harlequin and the hen is a buff cross or runner-cross. She has some white on the breast it looks like.

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