I got some questions about quail eggs.


13 Years
Nov 24, 2009
I'm wondering.... how long quail eggs stay good in the refrigerator? what is the best way to crack the eggs for frying? I seem to have a problem with the shell flaking and the membrane being a little tough. And as far as fertility.... is there a season for this and do I have to check the males or eggs to see? If so, what would be the best way too do this? I don't know if it matters but mine are Coturnix.
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Quail eggs are no different from chicken eggs and will stay fresh in the frig for a few weeks. Yes, quail have do have a tough skin on the inside! There is some sort of tool you can buy on line to crack open quail eggs...I think in some old post someone posted a pick. But you have to crack them open no different than a regular egg. And hard boiled quail eggs are a real BEAR to peel! LOL

Most quail are seasonal layers, which means they lay when there is enough light and warmth...late spring to early fall. You can add light and heat to them to get them lay during the winter. 14 to 16 hours of light will stimulate them to get laying this time of year.
I found a cutter on line. I need to order one myself! lol...

In the meanwhile... I just give them a good hard wack on the edge of the counter like you would a chicken egg.

Here's the link...


One trick with hard boiled, is to take them as soon as cool enough to handle, but still kinda hot, and smash both ends , then submerge in very icy water for a few minutes. It really makes a big diff. and they peel pretty easy after that. The trick is to get the shell open just enough to get the ice water in and let sit for a bit before peeling.

Good luck !
They're great little eggs once you start getting them!

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