I hate flies


The Chickeneer
9 Years
Jun 2, 2010
El Dorado County, California
I work from home and am sitting here with 2 flies driving me absolutely nuts! I have the Sceptor Of Doom (aka the flyswatter) handy, but the only thing they land on is my right arm!

Oh, but if they would only land on a hard surface.
You could do the Mr. Myiagi trick and try to catch them with chopsticks. This may also let the time just “fly” by
My van is parked by my chicks pens and we ALWAYS end up with a fly in the car.... we joke now that it isn't the "car fax" you need, it's the "car fly"!
ugh all summer long i have sufferd from flies not all at once but one at a fricken time!!! i swear theres one fly for like 3 days the second i kill it theres another i get that one killed then another shows up! ive NEVER seen anymore then one at a time!! its driving me nuts!

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