I HATE pullet eggs!!

I do the 18 for 12 thing. I am in a farming/small town location and it works out OK. Some people only want the 12 large eggs and some are real happy with 18 pullet eggs for the price of 12. I do sort out the pullet eggs and do not sell the really small ones.

It is not that unusual for pullets to have problems with their eggs. Many things, like soft shells or no yolks or yolks only, seem to usually work themselves out fairly fast, but some, like the blood spots, can hang around longer. Commercial operations electronically candle their eggs so they don't sell eggs with these problems individually. They sell them to bakeries or other places that use eggs by bulk.

I boil my extras up and give them back to the chickens. By the time I shell them and take the yolks out of the whites, they don't look anything like eggs to the chickens.
very interesting thread....I never knew that pullet eggs had an increased tendency for blemishes/imperfections! Makes sense, I guess.
Thanks for the pickled eggs idea, I forgot all about that!
That's a great photo. it almost looks like one of those photomosaic artworks. Hmmm... Four 'columns' of cartons... If I were you, I'd rearrange all of the eggs so that the brown ones spelled out 'EGGS' against a background of white ones. That would make a really cool photo.
allicefelldown, how long does it take for your hens to get to the size you want? And do you weigh each egg or a dozen eggs to get the weight you want? Do you look for the large eggs to be 57grams?
An idea that has not been offered.

Promote to high school physics students for egg drops. It will work until the teachers catch on that just specifying chicken eggs without a size constraint leaves open a very big loop hole. You might even be able to get a buck an egg to that market.

Yes, my brother and I both used the smallest eggs we could get from the youngest chickens for our physics class.
I've been pickling eggs and beets like mad recently and they are so delicious! It sometimes takes a minute of convincing for people to try them but once they do...they're hooked. Now everyone asks when the next batch of pickled eggs will be ready. YUM.

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