I have 2 Roo's...help


8 Years
Aug 23, 2011
Portland OR
I have 2 young roo's 11 and 13 weeks old and they are my little babies. I am inside the city and although I have a permit we still cant have roo's. I love these awesome buggers and they are so funny and sweet. Is there any way to keep them quiet so they can live here? I am so worried someone will make them dinner if I rehome them. Both are just EE's but I love that they are so different from the normal colored EE's I see all the time and Achmed has the coolest beard.


Oh, they're so sweet. I can't think of a way to keep them quiet though. I've had really good luck with Craigslist - we had to put an add up for our two roosters and found someone fabulous. Fingers crossed for your guys!
they are especially loud during the day, unfortunately there really is no way to keep them quiet. Craigslist is a good place to get rid of roos though, if you're worried about them becoming someone's dinner just charge a fee for them, that keeps away most folks who want them for the stewpot. I got rid of a couple of extra roos on craigslist and they're doing great, one is right around the corner, I can still hear him crow day and night LOL

edited for ridiculous typos
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I wish you were close to me, I would take them in a heartbeat!!!! LOVE the coloring. You could probably garage them @ night but they still would crow during the day and give you away. Good luck to you.

Look at Achmeds back and flight feathers...hubba hubba lol he must be crossed with a barred rock or something. I would love to breed him with my other 2 EE's. They would be ok during the day my neighbors said but not till 8 lol I can deal with them in the house



Here he is a few weeks ago

You could keep them in the coop till 10am-ish. They might crow themselves out by then.Problem is they might try to out crow each other outside the coop.Might have better luck with just one. Keep them until someone complains. My roo is silent on some days,and never shuts up on others. I can see why you want to keep yours.Very pretty. I got my roo off of craigs. I actually posted a request for a free roo for my flock. You never know who will take your animal,but you just have to hope for the best.

It might seem silly but consider moving in the near future.We are looking for a home where we can have what we want.It is so annoying to have to follow so many rules.Sometimes it is not much better than a HOA neighborhood!
My EE roo was never a big grower. He DID crow, but he wasn't obnoxious. Maybe you could go door to door and talk to your neighbors. Ask them if they would mind you keeping one or both of your boys. Usually if there's a problem, its because neighbors complain. They may be less likely to complain if they feel they have a choice in the matter. If you're getting eggs, the egg bribe works well too......good luck with your beautiful boys!

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