i have 3 silkie chicks that i am raising as pets, but one is very behind the others


In the Brooder
Apr 19, 2020
we recently brought home four silkie chicks however one passed away a couple nights ago. we have no idea why but we are now paranoid that it'll happen again. 2 of our three chicks are very plump and balanced while the other appears much smaller and skinnier as well as much weaker. they are around the same age and were bought from the same farm. i am worried we may lose another chick. the other night the same weak chicks had what seemed like a seizure and kept rolling it's head backwards so far it would fall over and then had a moment of paralysis. she has since recovered and has shown no signs of it happening however she remains very unbalanced. it is concerning because the other chicks knock her over easily and push her away from food. i have no clue what to do so any help at all is appreciated. thank y'all so much for helping me with my babies:)
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Can you post some photos of the chicks and their poop?
What are you feeding?
How old?
Falling over, rolling the head backwards, a moment of paralysis, unsteadiness...these sound like neurological problems.
Silkies seem to be more prone to problems due to the way their skull is made. They have a hole in their skull to accommodate their poof/crest.

I would get some Vitamin E into her along with B vitamins, especially B1. If you have poultry Nutri-Drench give her 3-4 drops twice a day. You can also use human vitamins...give 400IU Vitamin E and 1/4 tablet B-Complex daily. Offer a little scrambled egg for a daily boost too.

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