I have 5 chooks on a medium size lawn - will they kill the grass?


In the Brooder
Mar 16, 2022
I have just moved into a new place with a medium sized lawn. I only have 5 chickens and they are always free-range. Will they kill the grass on the whole lawn?

Thanks :)
Yes, mine have been out quite a bit lately, so dang hot. And last night I noticed under the brush that was pretty solid grass and weeds Is now bare sand, and mine have acres to play in.

So you might let them out once in a while, or there won't be any grass. The moment it looks slightly thin, they would have to be in lock up for quite a bit of time to let it recover.

Mrs K
Uh yeah, their claws are meant for digging (up morsels of bugs) so if you WANT them to be a natural tiller, lettem at it!
My first summer I ambitiously and naively tried sowing deerplot seeds in a 10x8 corner next to the run. It was obliterated in 3 hours! They’s some very happy birds lol. Next I built a wireframe on the ground, it didn’t hold up to our other wildlife or my clumsiness. I now have doubled the run size with 4 more youngsters, two just started laying. They don’t want out, quite content to lounge around inside the run, playing…Squawkers. Lol
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