i have a confession to make

Our Newfoundland/St. Bernard cross is constantly being chased by our tom turkey.....The turkey makes a point to chase the poor dog where ever he is when outside.
The dog will coward away from the turkey, but always looks to the hen turkey for protection....Guess that could be a major reason why the tom doesn't like him.....
Our Great Pyrense female is the target for our geese....The 6 of them will encircle her if she is in the yard and start closing in on her. Then she jumps over them and comes running to the house.
We have another Great Pyrense male who so far hasn't been picked on, and another blue tick/rat terrior/austrilain shepard cross who is also safe from the animals.....
I wish my boxer would be taught a lesson. He's got an under ground fence and still has to be tied when the birds are out. 2 days ago, he broke the clasp on the leash.
He now wears the shock collar too! He's had 2 turkeys and 2 chickens. All are fine. Wish he'd learn.
My dog wanted to eat the "squeeky toys" at first so I kept them totally separated. Then she was deathly afraid of the chickens in the yard, until the roosters came to maturity. Now she sparrs with the rooster.

I limit their interactions, for the sanity of my rooster, but I don't think this will lead to chicken-eating. It's only fun if the rooster runs back at her. The hens don't play the spar game so they are boring to my dog, and the dog has never tried to bite the roo just plays a run-at, then back-up, back and forth again and again kind of puppy like game.

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