i have a duck wing and a mille fleur also my 2 silkies :)


6 Years
Mar 18, 2013
Ocala, Florida!
#1 my duck wing is like 2 months old and seems to be staying REALLY small but cute i have my own ideas on what these are if you could please tell me what you think id love it here are there pictures there other feathers are comming in so my duck wing looks funny but i love that chicken she hops in my hand and crawls up my arm :)

#1 duck wing!!!!

#2 ok this one is my mille fleur

i heard you can not tell the sex of a silkie till 6 months but i see a difference above there beaks when they are suppose to be the same breed so let me know what you think :)

Don't know the first two breeds at all, but I think you have on of each with the silkies! This is just a guess though. I had one of each and I guess it from a similar age. I would guess your white is a boy and the buff (?) one is a girl. Just cause I think she looks girly and he looks boyish! :p Would be great to keep us updated on how they turn out!
Oh man rooster just attract to me.i love them but i don't know how many to get rid of .I would keep them all but i do not have the coop space for that many manly roosters . Makes me sad , i have 2 roos and 2 pullets and one americana bantam that i am not sure what it is yet . I love the duck wing sooo much . Guess i need new names for them . The duck wing was Emma LOL Thanks guys!
Also seems like whatever ones that i have right now that has a RED bigger comb has been a boy and the pullets combs are still like a flesh tone and smaller
Also seems like whatever ones that i have right now that has a RED bigger comb has been a boy and the pullets combs are still like a flesh tone and smaller
for their age thats how I knew they was boys

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