I have a rooster! Now how do I get my hens to go broody?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 18, 2012
My BO pullet started crowing :)
I'd like to get a batch of chicks from him. I have two hens that are laying regularly, an EE and a Production Black. I also have 2 BR that lay once in a blue moon :(
The cockerel is in a separate tractor with a CM. They are around 14-16 weeks, so I don't expect babies from her. I let them all out for a couple hours in the evening.

When will the BO be able to make chicks?
How much access does he need to the laying hens to get a fertile egg? How do I get the laying hens to sit on the eggs and hatch them?

I'm so excited!
A hen will lay fertile eggs for 3-4 weeks after a successful mating, so the cockerel only needs a little time with the ladies to get the job done, if they let him. Young cockerels may need to practice a bit before getting the hang of it though, so I'd suggest you give him time and check the eggs for fertility before setting them. You'll be looking for a little "bullseye" on the yolk, pics here:


Broodiness in hens is unfortunately not something we can control. It depends on the individual hen as well as the breed, so all you can do is wait and see if one of them goes broody or not. I have had some success in the past with leaving eggs in the nest boxes as "bait", but again, it's not a guarantee that it will work.
Are they more likely to go broody if they are mating?

Nada, I had a BA that went broody twice a year for 2 years, never had a rooster... Got a rooster and she has never went broody again..
Go figure

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