I just ordered 10 chicks to replenish my diminishing herd.


Nov 17, 2023
I had incubated 11 chicks in Nov & Dec of 23. They came out as 6 hens and 5 roos that just hit 5 - 6 months old and life was getting intolerable for me and the hens. After getting some very helpful comments from the members, I culled 4 of the roos. I did one rooster and it took me a week to get over it. I culled another 3 a couple of weeks ago and our yard is heaven. I have a year old rooster and head hen and 6 young hens which just started laying and one very eager young rooster, kept in check regularly by the older rooster. I ordered some 10 hens from a hatchery, which came very quickly. However all four of one breed of chick died within a day of receiving them. I have been communicating with the hatchery and have decided never to order chicks from hatcheries that are not local. I ordered 4 easter eggers and 3 "rainbow" chickens, which turned out to be surplus chicks they put in without regard to breed. I had thought they were colorful chickens, or colorful eggers, but they are just random chicks, with absolutely no notation of what breed they are sending. (!) It is apparent that two of the easter eggers are pretty aggressive, pushing the smaller chicks out of the feed and water area, pecking and biting. I feel that since the four babies that died were a much smaller and delicate breed that the eggers, they possibly didn't get to the water enough the first day and I just didn't catch it. I didn't have the opportunity to sit and watch their interaction closely due to out of town guests and my list of things I'll never do again is growing.
The new chicks are 9 days old and I just noticed one of the random breeds chicks is very quiet and keeps rubbing her head on her shoulders. She's also not thriving. I picked her up to check her out and realized her eyes look sealed shut, both of them. I tried clearing her eyes with warm water, and even tried to gently lift one of her lids, but it just seemed glued shut. She's now the smallest of the remaining chicks and she can't see to eat or drink, but I put her down on a lid of very moist chick feed and she eats well. I am going to try to wash her face again and see if I can see what's up. Anyone else have a chick with "no eyes"?
Sorry for the lousy hatchery. This is why, if buying hatchery chicks I go to TSC or another local farm store. They only put out chicks that are healthy. I also discovered a place about 50 minutes from me. He doesn't ship, but it's close enough to drive to and the chicks are reasonably priced. You might try Craig's list or Facebook for someone who sells chicks.

Any chick I have had that sick did not make it. I hope someone here can help you.
Sorry for the lousy hatchery. This is why, if buying hatchery chicks I go to TSC or another local farm store. They only put out chicks that are healthy. I also discovered a place about 50 minutes from me. He doesn't ship, but it's close enough to drive to and the chicks are reasonably priced. You might try Craig's list or Facebook for someone who sells chicks.

Any chick I have had that sick did not make it. I hope someone here can help you.
Thanks. I already decided to find a hatchery here in SW Oregon or one of the hardware/farm stores that have chicks by breed and sex.
I live in California and order from Ohio hatchery called Meyers. I never had issues with the chicks and never lost more than one chick. They have always been a great hatchery and even with the long distance it hasn't been a issue. Not all hatchery chicks are bad. I actually prefer this hatchery to my local TSC because I can get them vaccinated at hatch for Merks disease for penny's on the dollar. The more you buy the less the vaccine costs. TSC do not vaccinate for Mareks. It is important to me because Mareks is a awful heartbreaking disease. It's everywhere. I worry. But if they are vaccinated they are far less likely to get the disease and if they do get it they are less likely to become paralyzed. Mareks is like a cancer. Causing tumors that press on nerve endings which cause paralysis. It is usually fatal.Also very contagious and can even be airborne. If you decide to purchase more girls for your flock I'd give Meyers a try and opt for the vaccine if .areks is something your concerned about. They haven't let me down and I've used them over a decade. Hope this helps
I live in California and order from Ohio hatchery called Meyers. I never had issues with the chicks and never lost more than one chick. They have always been a great hatchery and even with the long distance it hasn't been a issue. Not all hatchery chicks are bad. I actually prefer this hatchery to my local TSC because I can get them vaccinated at hatch for Merks disease for penny's on the dollar. The more you buy the less the vaccine costs. TSC do not vaccinate for Mareks. It is important to me because Mareks is a awful heartbreaking disease. It's everywhere. I worry. But if they are vaccinated they are far less likely to get the disease and if they do get it they are less likely to become paralyzed. Mareks is like a cancer. Causing tumors that press on nerve endings which cause paralysis. It is usually fatal.Also very contagious and can even be airborne. If you decide to purchase more girls for your flock I'd give Meyers a try and opt for the vaccine if Mareks is something your concerned about. They haven't let me down and I've used them over a decade. Hope this helps

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